Lucas County Cemeteries Historical Association (LCCHA)

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Lucas County Cemeteries Photography Contest

For the photographers & artists of Lucas County, see poster below.

Photo Contest Poster


Free for non-commercial copying with attribution to the LCCHA, created 2020. Our internal weblinks generally start with the URL of "". All external weblinks referenced on these pages are not the responsibility of the LCCHA for accuracy. We provide them as tools for use at the users risk. For any dead weblinks found at this website, please leave a message detailing where it is using the homepage "Sign my Guestbook" blue button, and the weblink will be corrected as quickly as we can..

Even though we are non-paid volunteers, we comply with the
Equal Opportunity Employment Ohio mandate. We are exempt from the Ohio minimum wage law and the USERRA as a charity with no wage earners (i.e. no employees). We are fully committed to "diversity" as defined as "A person of any background can join our association". We are committed to "Equity" as defined as "equal standards for all individuals in our association". We are committed to "inclusion" as defined as "allowing people of every background and identity to participate".
All LCCHA members are volunteers. Liability for member actions are covered by the Federal Volunteer Protection At of 1997. So, all LCCHA should read this prior to joining LCCHA.
The parchment background image by on Freepik
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The platinum seal is the highest rating for a non-profit charity. The LCCHA is committed to full transparency of our charity. We have no salaries, so 100% of any endowment or donation goes to advance our mission.